Once, while on an overnight trip to the JRT, I was passed early in the morning by a day hiker who intended to hike the whole trail in a day. This brief encounter planted a seed inside me that I thought it would be “fun” to see how long it would take to run the entire trail. So, this weekend we set out to run the entire trail with only one goal, to finish. It only took me 15 minutes before I tripped on a root and fell. It was a quick reminder that this trail was not intended for running but rather a cautious hiker. The other half of the Dynamic Duo, KB, stayed upright a little longer, making it 60 minutes until she took to the air like superwoman and skidded to a halt in mid-flight form. Fortunately, neither of us was hurt and these were the only incidents of the day. We were elated to reach the Pinney Bridge CG in good form after only 1:40 of running. After a 20 minute break, in which we topped off our Camelbaks, we found the last 10 miles to be particularly challenging with very difficult hills and tired legs. We managed to finish the loop exhausted and sore in 4 hours 32 minutes.