May 12, 2007
It was a beautiful day for the 30th River Bank Run. I am proud to say Shawn and I posted times under the 2:30 mark. Shawn, and his wife Kim (owner of KB Orienteering Supplies), ran a solid 2:24, and I had a PR with a 2:29. This was a great training run for both of us. Shawn is getting ready for his first marathon with his wife this fall, and I am on the road to Lake Placid for my second Ironman.
The dominator is right, it was a glorious day for a run! It would have been nice if we had been able to meet up for a “team photo” but finding each other in a crowd of over 10,000 people proved to be a little too challenging.
As always, Ralph has taken this to the next level! Thanks for setting up the blog and putting STR on the map! Looks great!
The Ice Dog
Ralph what is this? I fully support the mission and purpose of Spare Tire Racing. I'm even an honorary member and have the t-shirt to prove it. But Shawn and "his wife"-what is that? I'm a sponsor, not an anonymous "wife". I will have to pull my sponsorship if this crap continues.
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