Sunday, October 28, 2007

STR takes DC by storm!

I’m pleased to report that KB and I completed the 2007 Marine Corp Marathon. With great weather and excitement of a big race, Kim and I both felt like we would be running a good race. The race was HUGE! Over 22,000 people and tight streets throughout DC made it tight in many locations.

Starting at the Pentagon, we took it slow. Our pace slowly began to creep up until…mile 14. While our legs felt great, Kim stomach wasn’t. This developed into a full fledged “situation” by mile 17. By the time we had to run around the East Potomac Golf Course, Kim’s “situation” was really bad. But she persevered and pushed hard for one hell of a finish. Since the Marine Corp. puts on the race they like to add a 100ft hill at the very end to the finish. Personally, every stride up that hill led to cramps on the inside of my thighs. It was tough. Finally, we crossed the finish line at the Iwo Jima Memorial with an official chip time of 4:31:37. This is special race with many participants running in memory of fallen comrades. It was certainly special to Kim and me.

Thank you to everyone for their support. You guys are awesome. Aunt Kim even received a message from our nephew Carson (3 yrs old) saying he was keeping track of our progress. Sorry the text messaging didn’t perform up to expectations. Above is a picture of KB and I after the race with her mom and stepdad, Barb and Bruce Harvey. Time for a beer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Dynamic Duo Goes to Washington

Shawn and KB will be running in the Marine Corps Marathon on Oct 28th, 2007. They will be running 26.2 miles around the Nation's capital. The Marine Corps Marathon is known as "The People's Marathon" and is one of the best in the country. This will be Shawn's first ever marathon and KB's second. These guys have been dedicated to following their training program of the the past several months. They are ready to DOMINATE! They have ran countless miles, completed several short distance running races and placed second in their adventure race. Shawn is looking forward to bigger races in the future, and KB is looking forward to not eating GU or cliff blocks anymore. You guys will do great. Remember pain is temporary, STR is a lifetime membership.

To track the Duo click on

Sunday, October 21, 2007

STRs version of the Dream Cruise

Congratulations to Vinnie, Dave, Ralph, Annette and Mac for cruising to a great finish in the Kar's Nuts Marathon Team Relay during the 2007 Detroit Marathon today. Results have yet to be posted but it is safe to say STR dominated. The team finished the 26.2 miles in less than 4 hours (3:56:57 chip time)! Great job STRs! Results can be found at:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

STR Takes on DET

Spare Tire Racing's first ever relay team will be running 26.2 miles over bridges, through a tunnel, around an island, and even to another country as they participate in the 30th running of the Detroit Marathon. Vinnie will be leading us off. After months of training, he is ready to take on the longest leg which will take him over the bridge into Canada where he will be handing off to Dave "The Tank". David will running the under water mile as he makes his way back to the states through the tunnel. Then it is the Dominator's turn. He will throw down the hammer before handing off the baton to his wife. During the fourth leg, Annette "The Boss" will run around Belle Isle. The fifth and final leg will be run by "The Canadian". Mac will be taking STR to the finish line. This will be Mac's second time crossing a Marathon finish line this month. Last weekend, he tested the limits of duck tape in Chicago during record breaking temperatures. On October, 21 come out and cheer on STR. The race starts at 7:15, we are hoping to cross the finish line by lunch time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Spare Tire is Getting BIGGER!

I am excited to welcome the two newest members of Spare Tire Racing. Ann"I still have not thought of a nickname" from Birmingham and Allison "Millser" from L-town. We are looking forward to racing and training with you ladies sometime soon.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Big Mac takes on the Windy City

I am very proud to say Mac "The Canadian" will be representing Spare Tire Racing at the 30th running of the Chicago Marathon. Mac has run several longer distance races this year, but this will be Mac's first ever marathon. He will be joining the other 44,999 runners during their 26.2 mile journey around Chicago. Good luck Mac. Just don't forget your duck tape.
Normally, when a woman is referred to as a “fast girl”, it isn’t a compliment! During yesterdays Capital City River Run Half Marathon, KB took it as a great compliment when someone said just that in response to seeing I RUN LIKE A GIRL printed on the back of her shirt as she passed him. KB represented STR well yesterday while completing her first half-marathon in 1:54:25 (8:45min/mile). For her effort she was rewarded with finishing in the top quarter of her age group. Congratulations to KB!

STR rolls on…now, gaining speed with every race!