Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Fantastic Fantasy 5k

After our usual over indulgence in thanksgiving festivities (potatoes, pies, etc.), KB and I were fully prepared to burn a few calories at the Fantasy of Lights 5k in Howell Friday night. It seems like every year we enter this race we run in horrendous weather. But this year, we were greeted with clear skies and no wind. So, in cold temperatures we put down a great run, finishing in 25:17. KB’s 8:08 minute miles earned her 3rd place in her age group and a new PR. Thanks to Ralph and Annette for joining us and cheering us on.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

I am proud to say that 4 STR members and Lisa (pictured wearing the green jacket) braved the cold, snow and winds to run the 25th annual Detroit Turkey Trot! Dave "The Tank" was the fastest tire of the day, Todd Z ran his second and longest race ever. Ann "Sammy"and I enjoyed the run also. A special thanks to Z's friend Lisa for coming out and running with us. The Turkey Trot is a great way to start a big day of eating. Looking forward to next year!