Monday, October 1, 2007

Big Mac takes on the Windy City

I am very proud to say Mac "The Canadian" will be representing Spare Tire Racing at the 30th running of the Chicago Marathon. Mac has run several longer distance races this year, but this will be Mac's first ever marathon. He will be joining the other 44,999 runners during their 26.2 mile journey around Chicago. Good luck Mac. Just don't forget your duck tape.


Kimmy B said...

Good luck Mac! We'll be thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed for great weather. Run strong!

The Ice Dog said...

Good luck Mac! Show everyone what happens when you combine veggie power and duct tape. DOMINATE.

The Ice Dog said...

Well STR nation, I want to be the first to congratulate Mac on finsihing the Chicago Marathon today! Reports are that the race was a scorcher (88deg), which resulted in race officials cutting the race short. Unfortunately, one death has been reported from the heat.

Mac, obviously you must have done something right, being able to finish the marathon under such conditions. Congratulations on weathering the extreme heat and finishing Mac!

Vinnie said...

Did the duct tape stay in place despite the conditions?

Great job Mac! Running the marathon is one thing, but doing it in grueling heat and humidity is impressive. Just one more reason why everyone should eat more vegetables.